Safety Policy


At ImpoExpo, ensuring the health and safety of all our employees and a supportive working environment is a key as our success hinges on their holistic well-being. We are committed to providing a safe working environment for all employees and will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents.

Our policies apply to all employees and persons affected or associated in any way by the scope of our operations. We strive to ensure that everyone affiliated with ImpoExpo Logistics has an underlying goal to constantly improve safety awareness and to prevent accidents and injuries.

ImpoExpo is also firmly committed to the safety of our customers, suppliers & third parties (Bystanders/Pedestrians) that we encounter.

  1. Our motto is ‘Safety First’ Not only do we design the most viable safety schemes but that are OSHA compliant but also involve and engage our employees in the implementation and enhancement of said workplace measures.
  2. At ImpoExpo, we remain committed to allocating and providing all of the resources needed to promote and effectively implement this safety policy at all.
  3. We strive to enhance the health and safety of our employees through regular training, education, and qualification, and ensure our employee adhere to them. ImpoExpo Management has established lines of communication to solicit and receive comments, information, suggestions and assistance from employees wherever safety and health are concerned.
  4. We enhance pedestrian safety measures by implementing post impact care as to reduce severity of injury consequences & driving safety measures such as speed limits caution, extra caution when driving in hard-to-see conditions, zero tolerance on driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, being strict on driving hours, taking extra caution in heavy equipment cargos like cranes or forklifts .etc.
  5. We enhance bystander safety measures by implementing solid planning, communication, and monitoring, so as to keep bystanders and community members informed and safe. We regularly examine and analyze the jobsite and its surroundings to eliminate all potential risks to bystanders. For example heavy equipment to be placed in a spot where if – worst case – they were to topple, they would not fall into bystanders’ paths.
  6. We work together with our clients, suppliers and business partners to fulfill these policies precepts and require all suppliers to comply with the principles as is stated in ImpoExpo’s Health & Safety policy.